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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New In

Būtent tokio sijono norėjau jau ilgai. Ir visai ne dėl to, kad jis šiuo metu "must have". Na okey, gal iš dalies ir dėl to, o atsilikti ir aš nenoriu, bet nuo tada, kai prieš gana ilgą laiką jį pamačiau, jis mane kažkuo patraukė, įdomus pasirodė. Buvau nusižiūrėjusi Zaroje, bet dėkoju Dievui, kad nusiuntė mane į New Yorker, but gavau PER PUS pigesnį, tokį pati sijoną. Nieko prieš Zarą neturiu, bet juk permokėti už sijoną, kurį gali gauti pigiau visai nesinori.. Kartais ir Amisu kokybė nuvilia, bet tiek tos, šį kartą sau tai leidau. Na o švarkelio istorija labai įdomi. Užklydau pas močiutę, ji man parodį šį gėlėtą 75-ųjų švarkelį. Iš karto patiko. Nusprendusi jį pasiimt ir nešioti kaip savą, ji dar pasakė, kad tai būtent mano mamos ir siūtas specialiai jai. Antikvaras.. o dar toks gražus..!

I wanted this kind of skirt so bad for a long time. And not actually just because it's "must have" this season. Well fine, it's kind of a reason, but still.. I saw it a long time ago on internet shops and i just liked it. It looked pretty much new and great. I saw this skirt in Zara's shop, but thank God i went to New Yorker and saw it half Zara price! Great huh? I have nothing bad to say about Zara, clothes are very good there, but i still didn't want to pay over for this skirt. Sometimes Amisu quality disappoints you but i didn't really cared this time. And this jacket's story is kind of interesting. I went to visit my grandma and she gave this flowered 75's jacket. I liked it from the first sight haha. So i took it and she said it was sewn for my mom. So vintage.. so antique.. and so beautiful!


  1. Oh my God, I love this kind of skirts and also looking for this! I have to check New Yorker in my town, could you write me the price of this in PLN?
    I've got some clothes from amisu and they're quite fine, so I'm dreeeeaming about this skirt which will be perfect for my end of school celebration;)
