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Friday, May 31, 2013

Persunmall International Giveaway

Persunmall contacted me asking to share this giveaway and I simply just couldn't say no! The pieces of jewelry are great I wish I could have some of them.

 Things that you need to do:
1. Register at http://www.persunmall.com *(required) 
2. Like Persunmall Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/PersunMall *(required)
3. Leave a comment stating the registered email, name, the item link you like (the one you registered on Persunmall) *(required)
4. Follow my blog with GFC and like my blog's Facebook page right here *(required)
You can also share this giveaway on your social media(e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+1, Personal Blog) and post your comments with the shared link (for verification). *(optional)

This giveaway will only be succesful if there are at least 30 of participants so you guys can share this with your friends, it's all up to you! 1 winner from every 30 participants, which means a winner out of 30 participants, two winners from 60 participants! This is so cool!

If you can't be the winner, PersunMall also prepared a gift for you, 20%off orders over $60, just use the coupon code PERSUN20%OFF after your order over $60.(Pls make sure you use it within a month, the valid time for this is only 30 days from 1,June to 30 June).

Giveaway stars June 1 and ends June 25, hurry up guys!

Winners will be announced on PERSUNMALL OFFICIAL PAGE on 25, June. PersunMall marketing team will contact winners by email :)

GOOD LUCK EVERYBODY and spread the world!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Perfect Bag

You know, I've never been a fan of having a huge amount of different bags. I need that one bag which is perfect for everything: spending time outside with friends, going to events, parties or even school. And another one, mostly bright one, to add to a casual outfit. I usually choose a bag that is great quality so I can wear it for a long time. My favourite Reserved bag (which you can see in almost every post on this blog) is getting old and I'm looking for a new baby. Luckily, Persunmall online shop has some great, good quality bags (even backpacks which I need soooo bad!).

Take a look at my favourites (I would love to have them):

1. Stylish Fake Flap Snake Pattern Tote Bag
2. Smile Face Handbag/Shoulder Bag
3. Trendy Detailed Big Backpack

4. Retro British Style Fine Cowhide Tote Bag
5. Stylish Geometric Pattern Splicing Tote Bag
6. Stylish Braiding Tote Bag

7. 2012 S/S New Women Candy Contrast Color One Shoulder Handle Aslant Bag
8. Pure Color Zipped Causal Backpack
9. Horsehair Pu Leather Stitching Black Tote Bag

Which ones are your favourites? Or maybe you've found something different for yourself? Let me know! :)

Monday, May 27, 2013


Panašu, kad grįžta pirmadieniai kai esu labai išsiblaškiusi, surūgusi ir didžiausia pasaulyje niurzga. Kad ir dabar... net dienai įpusėjus nenustoju zirzusi, o dabartinė priežastis - silpnokos nuotraukos. Esu įsitikinusi, kad galėjom geriau. Arba ta mintis, kad čia esu suvaržyta man neduoda ramybės, ir po miestą šniukštinėti nebesinori, viskas taip sena, atsibodę ir matyta, jokio įdomumo. Toks pyktis viduje kunkuliuoja, atrodo tuoj pratrūksiu. Šiandien net pavadinimo įrašui nesugalvojau, todėl taip ir pavadinau. Bet rytoj pažadu atsikelti geros nuotaikos ir daugiau šypsotis, nes vien ta mintis, kad mokslai greit baigsis priverčia šiek tiek pasistengti, sukandus dantis pakentėti ir tada jau džiaugtis laisve. Dar labai noriu paminėti, kad po ilgos pertraukos vėl apsivilkau šviesias kelnes, mat ankščiau jos mane priversdavo jaustis gerokai "išsipūtusia". Bet metams bėgant keičiasi supratimas ir požiūris į save. Trūkumai dabar atrodo privalumai, o jeigu ne privalumai, tai bent jau lengvai pataisomos bėdelės. Reikia šiek tiek valios ir užsibrėžto tikslo.

Today I feel a little distracted and I act like a little grumber. It seems like these kind of Mondays are back. I feel like these photos are weak and that we could do way better. Or maybe it's a reason that I can't find some new perfect places for my daily outfit posts. Looks like my town is definitely getting to narrow for me. I couldn't even think of the title for this post so here we go with this one.. But anyway, school is almost over and it makes me sit patiently and wait a little bit longer till freedom. Also it's weird for me to wear light pants after such a long time. Some time ago it made me feel uncomfortable and huge. But time's passing by and understanding is changing too. I started to look at myself differently and now I feel like those "huge" problems aren't that huge or at least quick to correct. You only need strong will a goal.

I ' M  W E A R I NG:

Sunday, May 26, 2013


Laisvadienius labai gera leisti su drauge esant šiltam orui, lengvam vėjeliui ir saulutei. Toks buvo penktadienis, ramus ir šiltas, atgaiva po lietaus. Įlindau į naujus, jau praeitame įraše matytus šortus, lengvą megztuką ir sportinius batelius. Stengiuosi pasidžiaugti kiekviena saulėta diena, nes niekada negali žinoti kokie stori lietaus debesys atplauks į mūsų šalelę. Striukę ar megztuką visada spėsi užsidėti, o štai pademonstruoti nuogas kojas reikia tinkamo oro. Kaip saulėtas dienas leidžiat jūs? :)

Free days are my favourite. You can spend time with a friend when it's sunny and breeze. This is how Friday looked like: calm, warm and fresh after rain. I wore my new shorts, that you've already seen on my blog earlier, also light cardigan and sneakers. I try to enjoy every sunny day because you never know when heavy rain clouds are coming to our country. You don't need a warm spring to enjoy a coat or sweater but you need some sun for bare legs and shorts. I choose the second instead layers! And how do you spend sunny days? :)

I ' M  W E A R I N G:

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Online shopping is so much fun, am I right?

Today I'm introducing you online shop PersunMall that I have just discovered a couple of weeks ago. This store sells latest fashion trends way cheaper along with great quality. Here you can buy clothes, shoes, bags, accessories and more great stuff all from A to Z. You can also find prom dresses or wedding dresses. Don't forget to check free shipping area

My wishlist: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Enjoy your shopping at the store here, let me know what you think and what items are your favourites!

P.S. don't forget to check Wayfaring Stranger's facebook here. It's the fastest way to keep in touch with me and new posts up on here!

Friday, May 24, 2013


Jaučiu, kad kiek juokinga, nes mano džempo užrašas visai priešingas dabartinei mano plaukų spalvai. Žmonės sakė, kad vidumi aš tikrai ne blondinė. O to pasekoje ir pavadinimas šovė į galvą. Ir tada prisiminiau, kad senai norėjau nusidažyti plaukus šviesiai, tik užsimindavau kitiems dažniausiai juoko forma. Vis nedrįsau tokiems, sakyčiau, radikaliems pokyčiams (juk nežinia - tiks, netiks?), ir vakar vėl patamsėjau. Šį kartą esu visiškai, šimtu procentų patenkinta savo plaukų spalva - ji jau mažiau violetinė nei praėjusius kartus. Širdis iš laimės spurda! 
Prie tamsių plaukų reikėjo edgy aprangos. Nesenai dėvėtuose nusipirkau šiuos Next šortus. Įsimylėjau iš pirmo žvilgsnio, o pasimatavusi nedelsiant bėgau jų pirkti. Šortų man reikėjo verkiant, nes visi, likę iš praeitų metų, man pasidarė magiškai dideli - krenta ir labai nepatogu. Todėl šis pirkinys puikiai pasitarnaus. Kartu apsivilkau vėl iš dėvėtų pirktą jau minėtą džempą. Juo irgi likau labai patenkinta. Jaučiu, kad paskutiniu metu mano spintoje daugėja trumpų marškinėlių, visai kaip šitas gražuolis. O dar atsimenu, kad ankščiau baisiai jų vengiau ir bijojau. Pastebiu, kad greitai keičiasi mano skonis.

It's kind of funny because the title on my jumper is the opposite my new hair colour. People also said that I'm far from being "blonde" inside haha. And this is how the title of this post happened. Then I remembered that I always wanted to dye my hair blonde but I was more joking than serious when I was telling this to people. I still don't think I'm brave enough for this big change (I'm not sure if it fits me or not?), so I dyed my hair darker yesterday. And I'm one hundred percent happy about this colour - it's less purple than earlier. My heart is buzzing!
To match my darker hair I decided I need an edgy outfit. I bought these Next shorts a few days ago in 2hand shop. I fell in love with them at the first sight and I ran to pay for them when I tryed them on and they fit me perfectly. I needed new shorts so bad because all of my old ones are unexpectedly too big for me - it's not comfy at all, so this new item in my wardrobe was necessary. Together with these shorts I wore this jumper, also from 2hand. I was so happy about this one either. I feel like I started to love everything that is short just like this jumper. I remember I used to be afraid of wearing short clothes and I hated them. Well my taste is definitely changing.

I ' M  W E A R I N G:

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Little Black Dress

Po nesibaigiančio lietaus šiandien pagaliau išlindo saulė ir smagiai pašildė. Pasidžiaugiau dar viena saulėta diena, apsivilkau paprastą juodą trikotažinę suknelę ir sportbačius. Būna dienų kai to visiškai pakanka. O ir kai karšta visai nesinori apsikrauti nereikalingais drabužiais ar daiktais. Šiandien daviau laisvę juodai spalvai, ko sakiau, kad pavasarį (o gal jau vasara?) stipriai vengsiu. Tik man vis neišeina. Juoda spalva man dažniausiai suteikia didesnio pasitikėjimo savimi nei, pavyzdžiui, balta. Bet galbūt ne man vienai taip? Tikiuosi saulėtos dienos vėl sugrįš!

After days of non-stop rain the sun came back today and I'm so happy. I enjoyed this sunny day wearing little black dress and sneakers and that was enough. There are days when that is all you need. And to me, when it's warm I don't like wearing much stuff. I let black to dominate today. I said I'll try to avoid this colour in spring (or maybe it's summer already?) but I couldn't. Black is giving me more self confidence than, for example, white. But I guess it's not only just for me, right? I hope sunny days are back!

I ' M  W E A R I N G:

Sunday, May 19, 2013

In The Woods

Šiandien buvo labai labai karšta. Jau nieko nuostabaus tikriausiai. Ir miške būtų labai gerai, jeigu ne uodai. Bet vis dėlto nei karštis nei pastarieji skraidantys parazitai nepamaišė kelio pasidžiaugiant gražia saulėta diena. O vėliau ir lietumi, nes grįžau kiauriai permirkusi. 

It was very hot today it's nothing new these days. And it would be good to be in the forest if there wouldn't be so many mosquitos. But anyway, these two things didn't stop me from enjoying a beautiful sunny day. And the rain afterwards. I came back home all wet.

I 'M  W E A RI N G:

Thursday, May 16, 2013


Blogų pasaulyje dryžuoti drabužiai - nieko naujo. Bet ir aš neiškenčiau jų nenusipirkusi. Labai jau norėjau, nes puikiai atrodo. Ir tinka prie visko, nepaneigsi. Šie gražuoliai pas mane atkeliavo dar praėjusią savaitę, bet, kaip matot, tik dabar prisiruošiau juos parodyt aprangos įraše. Buvo šilta, labai šilta, ir buvau pavargusi, vos parėjau namo. Taip laukiau šilumos, kad net pamiršau kaip stipriai ji mane vargina. Bet nesiskundžiu, labai laukiu mokslų pabaigos ir katino dienų, kai prasideda maudynės, festivaliai, koncertai, o dienos ir naktys leidžiamos su draugais. Sėdžiu ir galvoju, kad šią vasarą nieko neplanuosiu ir darysiu viską, kas tik bus įmanoma ar patrauks dėmesį. Užteks planų, metas elgtis spontaniškai. 

Stripes are nothing new on blogs. And I couldn't help just buy an item with them. I wanted so bad because it looks nice with almost everything, you have to agree. This beautiful shirt came the other week but I'm only showing it for you today on an oufit post. It was very very warm and I was really tired I barely got back home. I was waiting for hot weather so bad that I forgot how much it makes me feel tired. But I won't complain, can't wait till school is over, festivals and concerts are so close and it seems like days and my nights with my  friends are just around the corner. I'm sitting now and thinking that I won't plan anything for summer so I can do great stuff spontaneous. It's time to stop planning and start enjoying life.

I ' M  W E A R I N G: