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Monday, December 31, 2012

Goodbye 2012, hello 2013!

So this year was pretty incredible for me. I started writing a blog and my blog is now 1 year old! Yaaaay! I also went to a lot of great events and concerts like Fashion Infection in March and November, Red Hot Chili Peppers concert, Devilstone, Bloggers Flea Market, also had holidays in Cyprus and just chilled around with my friends and family. I can't even decribe everything, I just want to say a huge THANKS to my readers, 70 is such a beautiful number for someone who is just starting to write a blog! I feel like i can do a lot better and I promise to keep writing and writing next year and going everywhere i can. I gained a lot of experience this year, met a lot of great people and I am very thankful for that! 

I love you all, wish to have a great New Year's Eve and a woderfull beginning of New Year, let 2013 be amazing and do everything you want to do! See you next year!

Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Thank you all for reading my blog this year, i appreciate it and i want to wish you Happy Holidays, don't eat too much haha and have a wonderfull time with your families! It's all about being together! xo

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

New In

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New in: glitter sweater, velvet leggings, ombre sweater, skirt

Atrodo kai sergi, turėtum sėdėti namie ir nosies į lauką nekišti. Bet aplinkybės susiklosto taip, kad turi bėgti iš vieno gydytojo pas kitą, o tame tarpe dar turi ir laisvą valandėlę. Ją nusprendžiau "prastumti" užsukant į mėgstamas padėvėtų drabužių parduotuves (taip senai čia buvau!), ir, kaip matote, nelikau nusivylusi. 

Friday, December 7, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Freezing Weather

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Vakar buvo labai šalta. Labai. Atrodė, lyg būtų -15, o iš tiesų buvo vos -2.. Nežinau ką reiks daryti kai dar labiau atvės.. Tikriausiai sėdėsiu namuose su arbatos puodeliais aplinkui ir nekišiu nosies į lauką.
Kuo toliau tuo labiau sluoksniuojuosi. Vieno megztinio neužtenka, reikia rengtis kažką storiau. Bendrą žiemos vaizdą bandžiau pagyvinti savo mėgstamom gėlėtom timpom.. ir visai nesvarbu, kad jos nespalvotos. Vis tiek prideda gyvybingumo. 
O jūs kaip slepiatės nuo žiemos šalčių? Mano manymu jie užklupo visai visai netikėtai!

It was freezing yesterday. Really. It seemed like it's -15, but it actually was only -2.. I have no idea what i am going to do when it gets colder.. I'm definitely going to stay at home watching movies and drinking tea.. Seems like a plan!
The farther the more i wear layers on me. One sweater isn't enough so i need to dress something more. I was trying to invigorate winter view all around me by wearing my favourite flowered leggings. And it doesn't really matter that it's black&white. Still looks lively.
How do you hide yourself from winter cold? I think it came very unexpectedly!

i was wearing:
leggings: 2hand
coat: local shop
shoes: Walking
scarf, hat: Zara

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Monday, December 3, 2012

Let It Snow

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Kaip gera vėl sugrįžti į blogosferą ir turėti bent kelias nuotraukas, kuriomis skubu su jumis pasidalinti. 
Tikriausiai jau ne paslaptis, kad šiandien Lietuvos žemelę padengė šviežutis puraus sniego sluoksnis, kurio aš buvau labai išsiilgusi. Tik kažin ar ilgam? Tikriausiai tuoj vėl pasipils mano skundai, kad šąla rankos, kojos, nosis, o sniego pūsnys sunkiai leidžia praeiti gatve.. Bet ne apie tai aš! 
Kaip smagu išbėgti į lauką ir pasidžiaugti pirmu (gausiu) sniegu. Nors aprangos pasiruošusi visai nebuvau, šiandien demonstruoju jums savo kasdienišką aprangą. Šaltu žiemos laiku prioritetas yra šiluma, todėl visai nesinori rengtis peršviečiamų palaidinių ar didelių iškirpčių, ar tuo labiau šalti kojų mūvint sijoną.
Tikiuosi, kad nosių jūs nesušalot! Priešingai nei aš pozuodama be striukės.. Ech. Bučkis!

It's so good to be back on "blog world" and to have some photos that i can't wait to share with you in this post!
It's not a secret that today fluffly soft snow covered every single patch in Lithuania that i missed so so bad! But the question is.. is that for a long? It seems like after a week i'll be complaining about my frozen fingers, feet and nose, and i'll be annoyed by a huge pile of snow in the streets. That's so me.. but.. nevermind!
It's really fun to go outside and enjoy first snow like a little child.. I wasn't ready for an "outfit post", but today i'm showing you my daily look. I prefer huge warm clothes when it's cold instead of the ones with huge neckline or even skirts, because warmth is a priority for me at snow season.
I hope you didn't freeze your nose just like i did while taking these pics haha! Kisses!

i was wearing:
sweater: 2hand
jean jacket: vintage, mom's wardrobe
leggings: Stradivarius
shoes: Zara

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