Apsilankymas koncertuose man visada labai didelė pramoga, nes net neįsivaizduoju, kur daugiau galima patirti tokią galybę įspūdžių. Vakar Lana Del Rey mane apžavėjo, nuginklavo ir privertė ją labai labai stipriai pamilti. Vis dar ieškau tinkamų žodžių apibūdinti jausmą, kai stovi visai priešais muzikantą, bet, gaila, nerandu, nes emocijos visiškai ima viršų, o smegenys atsisako bet kokio menkumo protinio darbo. Net ir praėjus dienai po koncerto. Jaučiu, kad aš dar pilna nesusigulėjusių įspūdžių.
Šios nuotraukos labai turistinės, kaip aš sakau. Darytos ryte, todėl puikiai matosi pakankamai miego negavusiu žmogaus veidas. Vilnius - vienas mėgstamiausių mano miestų, todėl labai gera kas kartą čia atvažiuoti. Vakar buvo labai šilta, todėl vilkėjau jau naujus, nors ir matytus, bet mylimus Next šortus, o palaidinę pasiskolinau iš mamos.
Going to live concerts have always been a huge enternainment for me because I have no idea where else you get to feel so many different emotions. Yesterday Lana Del Rey made me fell in love with her waaaay more than I actually did before. I'm still looking for the right words to express the feeling when you stand in front of a musician and I just can't - my emotions are still over the top and I can't think clearly with my brain. Even if it's already been a day since I was there. I feel those emotions.
These photos are very tourist, as I call. We took them in the morning so you can clearly see my sleepy face which says that I didn't have enough sleep. Vilnius is one of my favourite cities so it's always nice to be back here. It was very very warm yesterday, so I wore new, but already seen on blog and favourite Next shorts, and this blouse is borrowed from my mom.
I ' M W E A R I N G:

your sleepy face is cute, and I love that blouse!
haha thanks!! :))
DeleteGreat post :)
ReplyDeleteWanna follow each other on GFC and FB?
Summer giveaway on my blog, check it out :)
xx Sofie
Your Princess is in Another Castle
thanks :)
DeleteI love your outfit! Goes perfectly with your shoes
ReplyDeleteFeel free to check out my blog (click) and maybe we can follow each other? (: xx
thank you!!
Deleteadorable look :D
ReplyDeletewould you like to follow each other?
So nice!! I love it!!!
ReplyDeletethank youuu!!
Deletemielai atrodai:)
ReplyDeleteAčiū, Egle :))
Deleteso love the shoes babe! badass! x
vaNatalie Off Duty