Jūs net neįsivaizduojat, kaip aš džiaugiuosi dėl šiek tiek pravėsusio oro ir lengvo lietaus. Niekada nebuvau didžiausia karščio mėgėja, man užtenka +25, kai galiu ramiai degintis, šiek tiek pasimaudyti ir kažką nuveikti su draugais. Didelis karštis mane slegia, tada aš sėdžiu namie arba prie vandens telkinio, burbu ir tingiu pajudėt iš vietos. Kai karšta aš net išsisemiu apsirengimo atžvilgiu ir dažniausiai renkuosi basic maikutes be rankovių ir šortus.
Buvo labai gera ketvirtadienio vakarą apsivilkt megztinį, užsidėt šortus, senus gerus mylimus creepersus ir praleist jį su besišnekučiuojant su drauge. Šią rankinę radau už litą ir negalėjau jos palikt. Žinoma, ne pati talpiausia, vos įsidėsi piniginę, raktus ir lūpų blizgesį, bet kartais tiek ir tereikia.
You have no idea how happy I am about this weather and a little bit of rain. I've never been a huge fan of heat, +25 is enough for me to spend time with my friend by the river, swim and do something fun. Huge heat exhausts me and then I get really lazy and just sit at home or outside, complain about everything. Speaking about my outfits, when it's hot I feel empty and without inspiration so I usually choose something easy like basic tank-tops and shorts.
Thursday evening was so good, I spent it with a great friend. I wore a sweater and shorts and old creepers that I still love. I found this bag almost for free (like about ~0,3€) so I couldn't leave it. Of course it's not very spacious but it's enough to carry a wallet, keys and lip gloss.

Labai gražus megztinis!
ReplyDeleteačiū ačiū :)
DeleteI haven't commented anything here for a long time! Ofc as usually I love your outfit and you're a queen of good occasions like with this bag! :D
ReplyDeleteDo you still dye your hair red or you want to get your natural color now? ;)
hey, it's been a long time haha! yes, i do want to get back to my natural hair colour well i dye them brown :)
ReplyDeleteEglute, ačiū!!
DeleteGreat outfit! Love your shoes! Loved your blog and will come back for sure! I find it very inspirational...
ReplyDeleteOh, I just started following you on GFC and Bloglovin by the way! Hope you come by my blog sometime too! Would love to know what you think about it, and maybe follow me back if you like it? We can also follow each other everywhere else;)!
These are my links hun <3:
Instant Milk link
Facebook page link
Twitter link
Bloglovin link
thank you so much, sure! x
DeleteLabai gražiai ;)
ačiū :)
Deletegreat outfit! so simple and cute. love the color of your sweater.
thank youu :)
Deletethank you :)
ReplyDeleteSuper atrodai :)) Like!
ačiū, Augustinai! :)