Atostogų įraše sakiau, kad greit įkelsiu naują derinuką, bet kažkaip norėjosi dar pavasarot, tai vis nesigavo... Dabar, kai jau stipriai rudenėja ir mokslų pradžia visai visai ant nosies, atėjo laikas susiimti.
Pastarosios dienos buvo labai vėsios ir labai rudeniškos, tik šiandien dar galėjai išsitraukti suknelę... Vasara nežmonišku greičiu prabėgo, bet ruduo mane intriguoja. Pasiilgau visokių sluoksnių, švarkų, megztinių ir patogių aulinių batų. Pasiilgau veiklos, o šiais mokslo metais pasiryžau kibti į ką nors nauja! Tikiuosi mano optimizmas greit nedings, kaip dažnai būna..
Visai nesenai gavau dar vieną siuntinuką iš Pasikuiskim internetinės drabužių parduotuvės. Tada prisiminiau, kad dar turiu krūvą jų drabužių, kurių bloge vis nesugebu parodyti. Vakar susiėmiau ir štai rodau jums pačius naujausius marškinius. Sužavėjo iš karto: labai gražus raštas ir labai maloni medžiaga. Galbūt dydžio norėjosi mažesnio, bet vis tiek likau patenkinta. Vilkėjau kartu su mėgstamais šortais ir loafer batukais.
In a vacation photo diary post I told you I was about to post some new stuff soon but well.. summer heat came along and I just wanted to enjoy the last bits of summer. Now that it feels like autumn, I finally found some time.
So these past days I felt like it's autumn already. It's just today was that we could take our dresses out for the last time.. Summer went by so fast, like really, but, well, I'm kind of waiting for autumn. I miss all those layers and sweaters and ankle boots and all the other great stuff.
I got another package from Pasikuiskim online store a few days ago. I totally forgot I have some clothes from this store that I haven't showed on here and I thought it's finally time to do it. So here we go: this was the latest item I got from them and I fell in love with this shirt. The print is awesome and the material is so lovely. The only thing is that I may have wanted them to be one size smaller but well, I'm still glad I have them. I wore this shirt along with my favourite shorts at the moment and loafers.
In a vacation photo diary post I told you I was about to post some new stuff soon but well.. summer heat came along and I just wanted to enjoy the last bits of summer. Now that it feels like autumn, I finally found some time.
So these past days I felt like it's autumn already. It's just today was that we could take our dresses out for the last time.. Summer went by so fast, like really, but, well, I'm kind of waiting for autumn. I miss all those layers and sweaters and ankle boots and all the other great stuff.
I got another package from Pasikuiskim online store a few days ago. I totally forgot I have some clothes from this store that I haven't showed on here and I thought it's finally time to do it. So here we go: this was the latest item I got from them and I fell in love with this shirt. The print is awesome and the material is so lovely. The only thing is that I may have wanted them to be one size smaller but well, I'm still glad I have them. I wore this shirt along with my favourite shorts at the moment and loafers.

Ziauriai graziai atrodai, tobulas derinys. :) Ypac patinka man tavo batukai!!
ReplyDeleteaciu aciu aciu!!
DeleteŽiauriai gerai atrodai, labai faina palaidinė:)) čia tikriausiai man vienai pasikuiskim siunčia dviem dydžiais per didelius drabužius :(
ReplyDeleteaciu, Simona! :) man irgi buna siuncia per didelius, kai kurie atrodo gerai, kai kurie nelabai, bet sukuosi is padeties :D
DeleteMarskiniai <3
ReplyDeletesmagu, kad patiko!
DeleteYou look so cute and happy on these pictures, it's incredible! I love the pattern on the shirt, really cute :)
ReplyDeleteMuch love from Epp,
thank you so much!
Deleteloving the blouse =)
ReplyDeletethanks <3
Deletenice outfit!!
ReplyDeletethank you!
DeleteOMG! i really love your blog! I'm following you on GFC and facebook!! If you want follow me back honey, i really like this look!!!
thank you so much!! :)
Delete<3 gražu gražu:)
aciu aciu!! :*
Deletelovely pictures and i really like your outfit :) the skirt is so nice xx
glad to hear, thank you! :)
DeleteNice outfit, I love the shirt and shoes !
I love your skirt and your adorable!:)